Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan Information
What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
A free service for borrowing materials that are not owned by Ingram Library. If you are a 博彩平台推荐 faculty or staff member, you may also request articles from books and journals owned by the library.
When do I use it?
Interlibrary loan is reserved for books not available through University System libraries, journal articles, and other items unavailable for loan through GIL Express (such as reference materials and a/v items).
Who can use it?
All currently enrolled 博彩平台推荐 students, faculty (active and emeritus), and staff.
How long does it take?
The average turnaround time is 8 working days, often less for articles. Please allow us enough time to process your request & receive the item. You will be notified by email when your items arrive. Books for students are held at the Circulation Desk. Books for faculty and staff are sent through campus mail. Articles are delivered to your ILLiad account.
Do we have the item you need?
Use the search box on the library's homepage to find full text options before placing an ILL request.
Easiest way to request a book
Use the "multi-search" or "books" search option on the library's homepage to see if an item is available from another University System library (GIL Express). Books that are checked out, on reserve, and in non-circulating collections like reference do not circulate through GIL Express. If the item is not available through GIL, place an interlibrary loan request. If you are a distance learner, you are not required to use GIL Express. We will mail your book to you with a postage-paid return label.
Easiest way to request an article
Search for articles in one of our databases. When you find a citation for an article you want, click on the find it button, which will take you to the full text and print options or the ILL request form.
If there are no full text or print options, click on the ILLiad link and place your request.
If you are a first time user, you will need to click on the First Time Users link to create an account. Articles are delivered electronically to your ILLiad account.
Other items
Interlibrary loan requests microfilm, dissertations, a/v materials, etc. Use the appropriate request form in ILLiad to place a request. If you are unsure which form to choose, use the "Other (Free Text)" option.
Audiovisual items are more difficult to obtain. If you are a faculty member and plan on using a video for your class, we suggest requesting the item at least a month beforehand. Dissertations may be non-circulating or available electronically or on microfilm/fiche only.
How do I receive an item?
Loans for students are available for pick up at the circulation desk.
Newnan and online learners will receive loans via USPS.
Faculty and staff loans are sent through campus mail.
I logged into ILLiad, and I see the request status. What does it mean?
ILLiad uses various statuses to track requests and control workflow. Please note that these statuses reflect the actions of the requesting customer as well as those of the ILL staff.
If we have delivered an article to your account, you will find the link under "View" and then "Electronically Received Articles." Please click on the Adobe pdf icon to access your article.
Status Message | Explanation |
Awaiting Conditional Processing | A lending library sent us a message asking us to clarify our borrowing request for the item, or they have asked us whether we are willing to comply with special conditions (high cost, restricted use, etc.) before they will lend the item. |
Awaiting Copyright Clearance | This article request must be reviewed to determine if any copyright fees need to be paid. These fees, if required, are paid by the library, not the requesting customer. |
Request Being Processed by Resource Sharing Staff | This requested item has been submitted by the customer and has gone through the copyright clearance process, if necessary. It is now ready to be searched and requested from potential lenders. |
Awaiting Resubmittal to Possible Lenders | The request for this item was not filled by any of the possible lending libraries that we have tried so far. We will try to identify additional libraries that claim to own the item and send the request to these additional libraries. |
Cancelled By Customer | The customer has cancelled this request and no longer requires the requested item. |
Cancelled By ILL Staff | ILL Staff has cancelled this request. See your account or email notifications for details. |
Checked Out to Customer | The requested item has arrived from the lending library, has been processed by the staff, and has been placed at the circulation desk or mailed to the users designated address. |
Delivered to ILLiad Account | The requested item has arrived, has been processed by the ILL staff, and has been posted to the requesting customer's personal ILLiad page, where it may be viewed and/or downloaded. |
Item Returned by Patron | The item borrowed from another library has been returned to the ILL office by the customer and the item has been checked in. It is now ready for return processing. |
Item Returned to Lending Library | The item has been returned to the lender. |
Request Finished | The entire request process has been completed successfully. Requests with this status are archived under the "Completed Requests" button. |
Submitted by Customer | This request has been submitted by the customer and is awaiting processing by the ILL staff. |
Request Sent | This request for an item not available at Ingram Library or through GIL Express has been sent to possible lending libraries and we are waiting for the item to be shipped by a lender. |
Ingram Library accepts requests via OCLC (GWC) and our ILLiad lending web page.
If you are a borrowing library and do not have access to OCLC, please register for service through our lending web page (please fill out first time user info).
We do not charge for copies. We do not charge for loans in US and Canada. We charge $25 for international loans.
Our loan period is 6 weeks.
Non-circulating items include reference, some microforms, some special collections materials, periodicals, newspapers, and some a/v materials. We are able to make copies of some reference and special collections items.
Special Collections will allow copies and loans of some materials at the discretion of their staff. For loans libraries will need to agree to the following policies.
- No renewals.
- No reproductions on a flatbed scanner.
- Special Collections Reading Room use only.
- No labels may be placed on the item.
- Item must be returned via box and insured for $500.
- There is a $25 fee if you are not one of our consortial partners.
- For hours, other fees, and rules, please see the Special Collections website.
Please contact Margot Davis for more information (678) 839-6321.
Need help?
Angela Medders Mehaffey
Resource Sharing Manager
(678) 839-6354
Margot Davis
Resource Sharing Specialist
(678) 839-6321